Featuring classic and modern SWBC, UTE, and LW/MW BCB QSLs from the 1930s-2000s!

This website is also located at http://k6eid.com/index2.html that does not have the advertisements and popups. Please visit there for better viewing!

Coming to you via the World Wide Web from Marietta, Georgia, the home of Kennesaw Mountain, site of one of the major battles in the War for Southern Independence


This website is divided into two sections, the first dealing with classic SWBC QSLs and the second with other more modern QSLs from Short wave Broadcasters, classic Utilities, classic and modern Medium Wave Broadcasters, and modern Long Wave Broadcasters of interest to the listening community:

This site has images of numerous QSL cards from short wave broadcasting stations that were popular in the 1930s to 1950s. Many of the countries represented no longer exist as the political entity they were forty to sixty years ago. I hope you enjoy reliving a bit of radio history as represented by this collection of antique verifications!

This site has images of numerous QSL cards and letters from short wave stations from the 1960s on as well as BCB QSLs for Medium Wave and Long Wave broadcasters and Utility QSLs from the 1950s through the 1990s

To comment on this Web Page, please send mail to k6eid@arrl.net

Thanks for visiting and please drop by again!

Site maintained by Phil Finkle, K6EID. Last updated 30 April 2005